MVGB Admin Partners are made up of people just like you, people who desire for the communication of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to go into all the nations. People who believe that we must equip and empower churches worldwide to make disciples. Through the church, we can transform nations for Christ. We are looking for MVGB Admin Partners to help cover the running costs of the MVGB office administration, so we can concentrate purely on our mission to inspire, involve and impact nations for Jesus Christ.
As a MVGB Admin Partner, you commit to a regular amount, starting from £10 a month to any amount in support of the ongoing ministry of Missionary Ventures Great Britain. Your gifts ensure that MVGB has the ability to effectively plan and commit to communicating The Gospel in many nations, continue the recruiting and training of missionaries, equipping and sending short-term mission teams, developing and funding high impact ministry projects and much, much more.
We need your help today in “involving people to impact nations for Christ.” Never has there been a greater openness to the Gospel in many areas of the world, but more financial partners and more laborers in the field are needed.