100 for 100 Key workers in India
As you know earlier this year Missionary Ventures had a special appeal to help over 500 families across the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. We sent an amazing £10,500 enabling us to distribute ‘love packages’ of food and essentials to vulnerable families who had been impacted economically by the pandemic.
Today, we are launching another appeal but this time it is different. The network of Indian leaders that we are closely connected with have identified a large number of Key workers who are struggling to provide for their families as many communities are still not gathering together due to the threat of the virus. The stories I am hearing are heart-breaking. Husbands and wives are going hungry so that their children can have something to eat. Some are sick and suffering in pain, unable to buy urgent medicines or get basic treatment.
Acts 11 describes a severe famine affecting most of the Roman-occupied territories in the Middle East. The church in Antioch didn’t debate why the disaster was happening or what God might be saying or doing through it. They simply decided to be practical and raise funds and send it to the brothers in the worst-hit area (Judea) via Barnabus and Paul.
So, I am making an ‘Antioch’ call today so that we can help these faithful and committed brothers in their time of extraordinary need. I believe that we should aim to provide 100 leaders with £100 each to buy essential supplies – they will make it stretch a long way. That’s a total of £10,000. I know it is a big ask with Christmas approaching but please prayerfully consider what you might be able to give.

If you would like to give, then you can contact us on 07453080119, give by a direct online bank transfer to MV (Sort Code 201003, Account No 10575828). In each case please make sure you state ‘India Appeal’ as the reference, or by filling form below: